Newborn and Baby: Month 3

You are getting the hang of this parenting thing, but you can't forget your partner along the way. You have more than enough love for your partner and your baby, but you need to focus on what's best for you sometimes to be the best mom and partner you can be. ... read more »

Effect of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy

Does iron deficiency anemia (IDA) during pregnancy affect the mental development of the fetus? Researchers from United Nations Children'sFund Office for China recently completed a study claims there is aconnection between the two. ... read more »

Chemotherapy During Pregnancy: No Developmental Problem Risk

Using chemotherapy during pregnancy for the treatment of cancer comes with great concern for the health of the fetus. Researchers have recently completed a study involving a small number of children born after in-utero exposure to chemotherapy. ... read more »

1 in 6 Kids Suffers Neurodevelopmental Disorder

One in six American children suffers from a neurodevelopmental disorder, including but not limited to, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorders ASD), or delays in speech and language. ... read more »

Mom’s Exercise Powers Up Baby’s Brain

The value of exercise makes headlines everywhere - on TV, on the internet, and in newspapers and in magazines. Exercise energizes us, helps us sleep better, builds stronger bones and muscles, keeps excess weight off, and helps fend off many common ailments. ... read more »

Autism and Glutamate Receptors

Using data on the action of mGlu5 receptors on the cell's surface, pharmaceutical companies developed drugs that would lower the volume of the surface receptors and control autistic behavior. ... read more »

Behavioral Assessment in VLBW Infants

The Infant Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Program (IBAIP) supports cognitive and physical development of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. ... read more »

Maternal Mood Disorders May Affect Child's Development

Many women struggle with depression and other mood disorders while pregnant. Exposure to these mood disorders during pregnancy may cause the offspring to exhibit long-term emotional and behavioral problems later in life. ... read more »

Extreme Prematurity Linked With Neurodevelopmental Problems

According to a new meta-analysis study published in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers from the Ottawa Hospital in Canada report an increased risk of neurodevelopmental problems in infants, and an extreme risk when associated with gestational age at birth. ... read more »

The Effects of Zinc and Selenium Levels on Neonates

Researchers from the Shanghai Institute for Pediatric Research were involved in a recent study published in the journal Neurotoxicology. The study focused on the impact of differing zinc and selenium levels on neonatal neurological development. ... read more »

Improved Care for Preemies With Cognitive Disabilities

The death rate of premature infants dropped from 90% to 20% from 1950 to 2000. The drop is associated with advances in critical care. ... read more »

Is Any Form of Tobacco Safe During Pregnancy?

It's impossible to dispute the fact that cigarette smoking is harmful to one's health. Women who smoke during pregnancy risk harming the developing fetus, especially the developing brain. ... read more »

Children’s Literacy Associated with Iodine Deficiency in Womb

According to the study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, iodine intake must be supplemented during pregnancy to ensure adequate levels to prevent a possible neurological defect. ... read more »

PAX3 Gene May Be Linked to Birth Defects in Diabetic Mother

A team of researchers at Joslin Diabetes Center have identified an enzyme that may increase the likelihood of birth defects in children born to mothers with diabetes. The enzyme, known as AMPK, signals cells to stop producing a specific gene, PAX3. ... read more »

Tylenol During Pregnancy and ADHD Risk

The general perception has been that it's OK to take Tylenol during pregnancy but a recent study of Danish mothers and their children suggests some rethinking may be in order. ... read more »

Inflammation During Pregnancy and Fetal Brain Development

The over-activation of a woman's immune system during pregnancy, such as when she has a cold or the flu, may influence the brain development of the child she carries. ... read more »

Female Intuition Linked to Testosterone Exposure in the Womb

A recent study indicates a woman’s intuition is based not on estrogen but on testosterone, and the degree of testosterone to which she was exposed in the womb. ... read more »

How Alcohol During Pregnancy Affects Fetal Brain Development

Neuroscientists at the University of California, Riverside, have found strong new evidence that consuming alcohol during pregnancy causes developmental problems in unborn babies. ... read more »

Mom's Depression Increases Depression Risk in Baby

A pregnant woman may pass depression onto her unborn child, according to a new study. Doctors have long suspected a connection between maternal depression and mood disorders in offspring; this research helps scientists understand how and when this occurs. ... read more »

Link Between Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and Neurocognitive Development

The object of a recent study from authors at Tufts University School of Medicine was to ascertain a connection between CDH (congenital diaphragmatic hernia) survival and neurocognitive development. The study was published in the Journal of Pediatric Surgery. ... read more »

Your Baby's Development

Learn about feeding, sleeping habits, baby care, safety, and more. ... read more »

Vitamin C and Baby's Brain Development

The lack of proper Vitamin C levels in the diet during pregnancy could be linked to impaired brain development of the fetus, according to a new study. ... read more »
