Abnormal TSH, Adiposity Rebound and Childhood Obesity

Researchers from the National Cheng Kung University Hospital in Taiwan recently published a study on the impact of congenital hypothyroidism on risk of obesity. The study was published in the journal Pediatric Neonatology. ... read more »

Wheezing Risk Higher in Offspring of Obese Mothers

According to a new study published in Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, obesity prior to pregnancy increases the risk of offspring wheezing four-fold when children of obese mothers are compared to children of normal weight mothers. ... read more »

Teen Obesity May Increase Risk of Early Pregnancy

High school is a time for social and physical development, but it can also be a time when teens take risks that could have long-term ramifications. According to researchers from Penn State, obesity rates may have a direct impact on early pregnancy rates. ... read more »

Cesarean on Maternal Request and Childhood Obesity Rates

A birth cohort study of more than 180,000 children in China shows a modest connection between non-medical C-sections and childhood obesity. The study was published in the journal Pediatric Obesity. ... read more »

Maternal Weight Associated with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

Women who are overweight and obese during pregnancy are more apt to need advanced medical care, according to a research study published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. ... read more »

Obesity in Men

Obesity is the largest world medical epidemic in the history of western society. More people are living overweight and obese today than ever before and there are a multitude of reasons to account for our up-sizing population. ... read more »

Follow-Up Care for Babies With Macrosomia

Patients who've given birth to an infant with macrosomia may think the medical concerns are over once discharged from the hospital, but that's not the case. Immediately after birth, the infant and mother are screened for diabetes. ... read more »

The Link Between Maternal Obesity and Asthma

The number of children suffering from asthma has steadily increased in recent years. At an almost parallel rate, obesity has also increased. ... read more »

Connection Between Obesity and C-section Delivery?

Researchers have concluded, based on a study in Archives of Disease in Childhood that c-section deliveries can cause an increased risk of childhood obesity. ... read more »

Exercise Alone Does Not Control Pregnancy Weight Gain

Most women are healthy enough during pregnancy to start a light exercise program or maintain an exercise program they followed before becoming pregnant, but researchers note that exercise is not enough to control excessive weight gain during pregnancy. ... read more »

Obesity Doesn't Affect Pregnancy with Donor Eggs

Many studies suggest that obesity decreases a woman's chance of becoming pregnant through IVF but most of this research has focused on women who use their own eggs. ... read more »

Hormones and Endometrial Cancer in Postmenopausal Women

Past studies have proven a direct relationship between obesity and increased risk of endometrial cancer. Researchers from National Cancer Institute and National Institutes of Health recently published the results of the study in the journal Endocrine-Related Cancer. ... read more »

Pregnancy Complications With Obese Mothers

Obesity is a growing epidemic thought to be the cause of various growing health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and premature death. ... read more »

Wrong Foods and Time On The Menu Lead To Obesity and Diabetes

A recent study indicates eating big meals at night, especially when they’re meals big in unhealthy foods, throws off the body clock. ... read more »

Antenatal Education and Childhood Obesity Intervention

Researchers in Finland recently published a study in the journal BMC Pediatrics suggesting antenatal interventions can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and thus potentially reduce obesity risk in certain pregnant patients. ... read more »

Nicotine Replacements Linked to Child Obesity Risk

Smoking is one of the toughest habits to break but many women find that pregnancy gives added incentive to kick the habit. Some turn to nicotine replacement therapy to ease the transition. ... read more »

Women's Perspectives: Obesity Education During Pregnancy

The impact of obesity on pregnancy outcome is widely researched. International guidelines for assessing maternal weight and providing healthy weight gain/loss support have been developed to help women achieve a healthy pregnancy. ... read more »

Coca-Cola Fighting Against Unhealthy Claims

Coke is working hard to fight back against political and public movements to curb soda consumption. ... read more »

Breastfeeding Stimulates Gut Flora

Infants begin developing their gastrointestinal microbiomes at birth by way of their mother's milk during breastfeeding. Their bodies take over production of microbiota once breastfeeding ends. ... read more »

Children are Less Physically Fit than their Parents

Children are about 15 percent less aerobically fit than their parents were at the same age, according to a new study presented by the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2013 in Dallas, Texas. ... read more »

Menstruation Starts Early in Girls Who Drink Sugary Sweets

New research indicates that what a girl drinks before her first period can hasten the arrival of her first period. It can influence her risk of developing breast cancer later in life, too. ... read more »

Children’s Body Fat Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency in Mother

According to the research study, when maternal vitamin D levels are lower than they should be, it may result in higher body fat stores in children. ... read more »

Chronic Hypertension: Risk of Pregnancy Complications

Women who have chronic hypertension (high blood pressure) before pregnancy are at greater risk of pregnancy complications than women who are not hypertensive before or during pregnancy. ... read more »

How Does Maternal Obesity Affect Offspring?

High-fat and high-sugar diets are thought to play a role in the rise of obesity, but researchers believe the next generation will be predisposed to obesity and certain diseases due to molecular mechanisms that take place in the uterus during gestation. ... read more »

Mom's Blood Sugar Influences Child's Weight

An expectant mother's blood sugar levels affect how heavy her baby will be, according to a new study. ... read more »

Mealtime TV Between Mom and Baby and Obesity

Eating mindlessly while watching TV is a bad habit associated with obesity. It's especially concerning when pregnant women watch television while eating, according to a study recently presented. ... read more »

Obesity and Reproduction: Impact and Intervention

Obese women undergoing fertility treatment should lose weight and be advised about fertility and pregnancy risks of obesity. ... read more »

Pregnancy Weight Gain May Affect Baby's Future Weight

A mother's weight gain during pregnancy can affect her daughter's obesity rate even decades later. ... read more »

Breastfeeding and Obesity: Does Weight Affect Breastfeeding?

According to researchers from the Department of Nutrition at the Gilling School of Global Public Health, obese women simply don't attempt to start breastfeeding as often as normal weight women - but why? ... read more »

Study: How Weight Affects First Pregnancy Outcomes

Increased weight is associated with increased incidence of pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension, macrosomia, induction of labor and cesarean delivery. ... read more »

How Pre-Pregnancy Weight Affects Stillbirth Risk

Maternal obesity more than doubles the risk of stillbirth and neonatal death. ... read more »

The Preconceptual Contraception Paradigm

Women with a BMI in excess of 35 kg m(2) should lose weight prior to conception - not just prior to receiving infertility treatment. ... read more »

Weight Gain in Pregnancy - How much?

How much weight should women gain in pregnancy depends on their prepregnancy body mass index the BMI ... read more »

Pregnancy Weight - Literature

Search of literature about Pregnancy diet and weight gain ... read more »

Is There a Connection Between Obesity and C-section Delivery?

Much of the increased risk of childhood obesity is associated with maternal weight – not the c-section. ... read more »

Obese Couples and Infertility

Couples have a high risk of being subfecund and infertile if they are both obese and overweight. ... read more »

Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Premature Deliveries

Obesity is associated with many pregnancy complications and obese women are at increased risk of premature deliveries. ... read more »

Ovulation Induction Management of PCOS

Among PCOS patients who are overweight or obese, weight loss is the most physiologic method of inducing ovulation. ... read more »

Improving Fertility with Fat? Some Fat May Be Good For You

Should you diet and eat a low-fat diet when you want to get pregnant? Hold on: Some fat is good for you. ... read more »

Overweight Men Are Less Fertile

Men with excess body weight are at increased risk of infertility. ... read more »

Carbohydrates and Infertility

The amount and quality of carbohydrate in diet may be important determinants of ovulation and fertility in healthy women. ... read more »

New Pregnancy Exercise Routines

Women who are pregnant should start a daily exercise program even if they have not exercised prior to pregnancy. ... read more »

Do I Have to Gain Weight During Pregnancy?

Weight gain is just part of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus, placenta, growing uterus, extra blood and body fluid all account for extra weight. Just how much extra weight a woman should gain during pregnancy has been the topic of debate for quite some time. ... read more »
