Cardiovascular Disease Linked to Pregnancy Complications?

If you develop pregnancy-related hypertension or diabetes, you could be at increased risk for cardiovascular disease later in life, according to a new study published by Circulation, a Journal of the American Heart Association publication. ... read more »

PCOS Increases Risk of Complications During Pregnancy

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, affects up to 15-percent of the female population. Women with the condition tend to have irregular periods, fertility problems, weight gain and excessive facial hair growth. ... read more »

Preconception Counseling May Spare Time, Heartbreak

A growing trend among couples in India hoping to start a family is preconception counseling, which helps identify any underlying concerns that may hinder conception or the birth of a healthy baby. ... read more »

Deaths from Pregnancy and Childbirth Cut in Half

The United Nations recently reported a significant change in the number of women dying during pregnancy and childbirth ' a nearly50-percent reduction in the last 20 years. ... read more »

Childbirth Simulator Takes Risk out of High-Risk Delivery

Researchers using an MRI scan and a computer program have developed a way to predict if childbirth will be difficult or simple. According to researchers, the assessment could prove especially useful in cases where mothers are at high-risk for complications during childbirth. ... read more »

Preeclampsia: A Battle Not a Condition

Researchers and doctors are constantly on the lookout for a definitive cause of preeclampsia. The condition is life-threatening and the only known cure is childbirth. ... read more »

Rare Case of Acute Splenic Sequestration in Pregnancy

Researchers in Brazil recently stumbled on a rare event involving a pregnant woman with homozygous sickle cell anemia. ... read more »

Wait For Pregnancy for 12 Months After Bariatric Surgery

The impact of weight loss surgery on pregnancy is a relatively new topic of research. According to a study published in The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, women should wait at least 12 months after having surgery to minimize possible complications. ... read more »

Pregnancy in Women with Vasculitis

The study claims women diagnosed with vasculitis are more likely to have complicated pregnancies. Vasculitis does not appear to affect male fertility or health of the conceived offspring. ... read more »

Pregnancy and Antiphospholipid Syndrome

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a condition that affects the immune system. Possible complications of APS include growth restriction of the fetus, thrombosis and preeclampsia. ... read more »

Soluble TRAIL Reduced in Patients with Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a potentially life-threatening pregnancy complication that can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. ... read more »

Leptin Levels in Pregnancy and Treatment of Obese Women

Researchers from Queens Hospital and Whipps Cross University Hospital in the United Kingdom recently published a question in the journal Medical Hypotheses. The question posed related to leptin levels, obesity and pregnancy management. ... read more »

Metaprolol During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

All about Metaprolol and pregnancy/breastfeeding. Is it safe during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding? ... read more »

Gestational Syphilis and Pregnancy Outcome

Researchers in Spain have recently completed a study into the effects of gestational syphilis on pregnancy and perinatal outcomes. ... read more »

Myo-Inositol Supplements to Prevent Gestational Diabetes

Pregnant women with a family history of type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of developing gestational diabetes. ... read more »

Does Depression During Pregnancy Cause Inflammation?

Researchers published a study in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. The study focused on a possible link between maternal depression, inflammation and pregnancy complications. ... read more »

Incontinence in Aging Women Linked to Vaginal Delivery

Two decades after giving birth to one child by vaginal delivery, women are facing incontinence problems at a rate three times that of women who did not give birth vaginally, according to research by the Sahlgrenska Academy in Sweden. ... read more »

Podocyturia and Proteinuria in Preeclampsia Patients

According to a new study published in Hypertension, a medical journal, podocyturia is detectable in women who experience preeclampsia before proteinuria. Authors from various departments at the Mayo Clinic worked on the study concurrently. ... read more »

Preeclampsia May be Linked to Air Pollution

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication that can lead to hypertension, protein in urine and preterm delivery. The only cure for the condition is delivery of the fetus. Researchers have been looking for a definitive cause of preeclampsia for years. ... read more »

Predicting Recurrent Preeclampsia with Artery Doppler

A recent study published in the American Journal of Perinatology claims uterine artery Doppler can be used in the first trimester to predict the possibility of recurrent preeclampsia. ... read more »

Pregnant Women Want Money to Stop Smoking

According to a research study at John's Hopkins University ' pregnant women are willing to stop smoking if you pay them money along the way. The research study was completed at the Center for Addiction and Pregnancy with results that were quite positive. ... read more »

What is Intra-Amniotic Infection and Inflammation (IAI)?

IAI is an abbreviation for intra-amniotic infection or inflammation. The two conditions are different, but little information is available to pregnant women about inflammation compared to infection. ... read more »

Maternal Weight Associated with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

Women who are overweight and obese during pregnancy are more apt to need advanced medical care, according to a research study published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. ... read more »

Not Enough Vitamin D Linked to Poor Pregnancy Outcome

According to researchers from the University of Calgary, insufficient vitamin D intake during pregnancy may be associated with gestational diabetes, reduced fetal growth and increased risk of C-section. ... read more »

Pregnancy Complications and Schizophrenia Risk in Children

Pregnancy complications have been associated with increased risk of schizophrenia in women, but researchers from the National Institute of Health and Welfare in Helsinki, Finland recently studied the possible mental impact on children. ... read more »

Placenta Development and Pregnancy Complications

Scientists are a step closer to understanding how a healthy placenta develops and why some pregnancy complications occur. ... read more »

Pregnancy: Expect The Unexpected

The body will surely change, in ways predictable and not, but the emotional aspects of pregnancy can be as mystifying as the mystery of life itself. Here are the stories of three women who experienced the unexpected. ... read more »

Methylergonovine During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

All about methylergonovine and pregnancy/breastfeeding. Is it safe to use during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding? ... read more »

Animal Fat May be Linked to Gestational Diabetes

The National Institutes of Health and Harvard University have paired up for a study on the effects of animal fat consumption and gestational diabetes. ... read more »

Health Risks Associated with Living in Low-Income Rural Areas

Fighting stress during pregnancy poses health risks to the pregnant woman and fetus, according to clinical research. New research suggests low-income rural areas face an even deeper problem when it comes to stress and prenatal care. ... read more »

Smoking Ban Helps Reduce Risk of Pregnancy Complications

A report published in the Journal of Women's Health proves that banning smoking can have a positive impact on pregnancy. The result was a significant reduction in early birth risk. ... read more »

Blood Thinners During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

All about LMW blood thinners (like Heparin) and pregnancy/breastfeeding. Are they safe during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding? ... read more »

Sickle Cell Disease, Fertility and Pregnancy

Women with sickle cell disease are more likely to have problems during pregnancy; these problems can affect both the pregnant woman and her unborn baby. ... read more »

Bed Rest as a Medical Intervention During Pregnancy

The signs and symptoms of premature labor are varied and may include spotting and early contractions, and pregnancy with multiples. ... read more »

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a condition unique to pregnant women. During pregnancy, the body becomes intolerant to glucose causing a temporary condition similar to mild forms type 1 or type 2 diabetes. ... read more »

C-Section Rates and Maternal BMI

Researchers from the University of Tennessee Medical Center published a study in the journal of the Tennessee Medical Association describing the impact of obesity on C-section rates. ... read more »

Food Restrictions May Not be Necessary During Childbirth

When labor begins, food restrictions are typically enforced to protect the mother from possible pregnancy complications and/or side effects if a C-section delivery is needed. ... read more »

Preeclampsia + Kidney Failure = Double Trouble?

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-related form of hypertension that occurs in fewer than 9 percent of all pregnancies worldwide. The ratio may seem small but the dangers to mother and child are quite serious. ... read more »

OB-GYN Group Urges Weight Loss Before Conception

One subject that many obstetricians and gynecologists (OB-GYNs) find uncomfortable is the issue of excess weight when a patient is having difficulties conceiving. ... read more »

Are Sports Safe During Pregnancy?

Exercise is a crucial part of a healthy pregnancy. However, while sports may have been an important part of your life prior to pregnancy, but not all sports are safe for pregnant women. ... read more »

After Delivery: Risk of Clots, Stroke, Heart Attack

All women are at higher risk of stroke than men and that risk is especially high during and months after pregnancy. ... read more »

Pregnancy Complications With Obese Mothers

Obesity is a growing epidemic thought to be the cause of various growing health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and premature death. ... read more »

Heart Disease Not An Issue with Adequate Pregnancy Care

According to the registry, if women receive good prenatal care, counseling on their condition and adequate treatment, heart disease does not pose a threat to pregnancy outcome. ... read more »

Is Pregnancy Hypertension Linked to End Stage Renal Disease?

According to researchers who recently published a study in the Canadian Medical Journal, there may be a connection between pregnancy hypertension and end stage renal disease (ESRD). ... read more »

Ulcerative Colitis Poses Bigger Pregnancy Risks Than Other IBDs

The recently published findings of a study on the IBD influence during pregnancy suggests it is beneficial to plan conception during a period of remission rather than when IBD is in an active stage. ... read more »

An Ideal Pregnancy Weight Can Reduce Risk of Preterm Delivery

There is an 8-week window of opportunity during the second trimester to achieve ideal pregnancy weight and reduce the risk of preterm delivery. ... read more »

Abortion Increases Risk of Pregnancy Complications

Women who find themselves affected by an unwanted pregnancy have the choice to abort the fetus and end the pregnancy. Most abortions are completed before the 12th week of gestation and many women recover completely. ... read more »

Antidepressants, Pregnancy, and High Blood Pressure

According to data collected in the Quebec Pregnancy Registry, there may be a link between antidepressant intake during pregnancy and hypertension or high blood pressure. ... read more »

Developing Nations in Need of C-Section Training

According to a study completed by a leader at the Harvard Medical School, developing nations don't have the infrastructure and training needed to perform safe C-sections. ... read more »

Risk of Complications for First Time Moms Over Age 30

Conventional wisdom always held that pregnancy is a riskier for women over the age of 35. New research, published in the medical journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, suggests age-related risks actually begin as a woman leaves her 20s. ... read more »
