Tea And Pregnancy

Your guide to drinking tea in pregnancy ... read more »

Five Healthy Dessert Ideas to Beat Sugar Cravings

Consuming too much refined sugar during pregnancy can lead to weight gain and diabetes, which exposes the developing baby to large amounts of sugar in the womb. ... read more »

A Soy Savvy Pregnancy: Is Soy Helpful or Harmful to Health?

Some researchers have cautioned against consumption of soy protein, reporting findings that soy increases the risk of breast cancer. This, however, is not the case. ... read more »

Is Chocolate Healthy?

New study shows chocolate has heart healthy effects in diabetic women. ... read more »

An Antioxidant Protects Sperm and Improves Fertility

According to recent research, if the male does not produce the protective antioxidant enzyme, procreation could be affected. ... read more »

Do Pregnancy “Super Foods” Exist?

Many women are very health conscious during their pregnancy- they abstain from alcohol, limit caffeine, and avoid luncheon meats and raw fish; however, are there certain 'power foods' that they should add to their diet that can promote a healthier pregnancy? ... read more »

Antioxidant Use May Not Increase Fertility

Research has not provided any high quality evidence that using antioxidants improves a woman's chances for becoming pregnant, according to a new systematic review published in the The Cochrane Library. ... read more »

Fertility Unaffected by Antioxidants

Antioxidants have been touted as a save-all with claims of weight loss, improved cellular health, reduced signs of aging and fertility-boosting effects, but according to researchers there is no connection between antioxidants and improved fertility. ... read more »

Powerful Phytochemicals Can Maximize Health During Pregnancy

You're eating a balanced diet full of fruits and veggies, whole grains,low fat dairy, lean proteins, and healthy fats, but did you know thatyou can give your pregnancy a nutritional boost by including certain'super foods?' ... read more »

Cell Signaling Pathways and Diabetic-Induced Birth Defects

Researchers from the University of Maryland may have found a new means of reducing diabetic-induced birth defects like none other. ... read more »

10 Best Superfoods for Men

Ahh, the superfood. According to some reports, superfoods will decrease your risk of cancer, improve overall health, help you maintain a healthy weight or lose weight and live a longer, happier life. ... read more »

Do Raspberries Boost Fertility?

Two newspapers in the United Kingdom recently reported that eating raspberries could boost fertility; scientists now call these reports 'misleading.' ... read more »

Antioxidants Affect Semen and Sperm Quality

Antixidants are good for sperm. The lower the antioxidant levels in the man's diet, the less potent their semen (or sperm) may be. ... read more »