IVF and the Marital Challenge

In vitro fertilization (IVF) and other forms of assisted reproduction therapies (ART) rely on substantial doses of mood-affecting hormones, which add higher peaks and deeper valleys to one's everyday emotional roller-coaster. ... read more »

Abnormal Sperm Morphology

One way to describe the shape of sperm is “sperm morphology.” It’s one of the three things a fertility specialist will be looking at when sperm is analyzed. ... read more »

Chromosomal Testing on IVF Embryos - Should You Do It?

Chromosomal testing on IVF embryos is not usually a regular part of the IVF process. However, some fertility specialists are offering it to couples who hope to use it to increase their chances of transferring a healthy, strong embryo to the woman's uterus. ... read more »

ART Increasingly Safe for Mother and Child

As assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures have been perfected in recent years, the success rate of these procedures has risen admirably while safety concerns have diminished. ... read more »

Should Technology Allow Parents to "Design" Their Babies?

Is modern science approaching the point where designing the baby of one's dreams becomes a reality? ... read more »

IVF Produces Very Low Risk of Pregnancy Complications

The Australian study compared birth outcomes of babies born of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and spontaneous conception (without medical intervention). ... read more »

Unused Embryos: What Happens to Them?

Many happy new parents find themselves with an unexpected dilemma: what to do with unused embryos. There are several options but state law may limit them. Your fertility specialist is well-versed on the local laws governing all aspects of assisted reproduction ... read more »

Checking the Success Rates of ART and IVF Centers

When you are finally ready to try and get pregnant with assisted reproductive technology (ART) you should know what your clinic's success rates are. ... read more »

How Acupuncture Enhances ART

Men and women undergoing assisted reproductive therapies (ART) may find that acupuncture enhances the effort. ... read more »

A Man’s Guide to Assisted Reproductive Technology

These options ' sometimes referred to as 'Advanced Reproductive Therapy' or 'Assisted Reproductive Technlology' (ART) can make the difference between being childless or adopting a child and having a child that's biologically your own. ... read more »

Success Rates of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), is the term used for fertility treatments. RT procedures include in vitro fertilization, electrical stimulation to achieve ejaculation, surgical sperm removal, single sperm fertilization and assisted implantation. ... read more »

Secondary Infertility - Problems Getting Pregnant Again

Even mothers who have conceived before can have trouble becoming pregnant again or carrying a baby to full term. Doctors refer to this common condition as "secondary infertility." ... read more »

ART - Assisted Reproductive Technology

ART stands for Assisted Reproductive Technology which includes all fertility treatments in which both eggs and sperm are handled. ... read more »

Risk of Stillbirth Found Higher After ART Use

According to a research study by Morbidity in ART (MART), the rate of stillbirth is higher in pregnancies conceived with assisted reproductive technology (ART) than those naturally conceived. ... read more »

Test-Tube Babies: Five Million and Counting

Louise Brown couldn't have known it but she made history when she was born in 1978. Her birth marked the beginning of a new baby boom that is gaining momentum every year. Louise was the world's first child born as a result of in vitro fertilization (IVF). ... read more »

3-Person IVF: Good Medicine or Designer Baby?

The possibility of using genetic material from three people for a single in vitro fertilization (IVF) attempt is getting mixed reviews in the scientific community in the United Kingdom, United States and in the general population. ... read more »

Study Calls for Improved Fertility Testing of Obese Men

Improvements may be needed in assessing male infertility. Obese men may face fertility challenges not routinely measured at this time. ... read more »

Father's Age Influences IUI Success

Scientific evidence reveals that men should also be concerned with their advancing age and reproductive health. ... read more »

Men: Hold Off On Bacon Till After IVF Success

The findings of a recent study suggests men who are part of a couple undergoing treatment for infertility may fare better if they hold off on the processed meats until a pregnancy is confirmed. ... read more »

2012 Sets Record for US IVF Births

In its 2012 annual report, the medical society says it was a record-breaking year for babies born from assisted reproductive technologies (ART). In vitro fertilization (IVF) accounted for 99%. ... read more »

Fertilization More Likely When IVF Eggs Dance to the Music

Fertility specialists in Spain discovered that fertilization rates are higher when eggs being prepped for in vitro fertilization (IVF) can dance to the music being piped into their incubator. ... read more »

Trending: Clinics Financing Fertility Treatments

Even though the array of procedures interests more people, the cost of assisted reproductive treatments (ART) can be daunting to some candidates. One encouraging trend, however, may make the price tag easier to live with. ... read more »

Maximizing Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Adenomyosis

Endometriosis and adenomyosis can affect pregnancy outcomes for women using assisted reproductive technology (ART). ... read more »

DNA Methylation and Spontaneous Abortion After ART

At the Center for Reproductive Medicine at Nanfang Hospital in the People's Republic of China, researchers believed there was a possible link between assisted reproductive technology (ART) and spontaneous abortion caused by improper DNA methylation. ... read more »

Infant Growth Process: Birth to Nine Months After ART

With the technological advancement in ART (assisted reproductive treatment) couples who were once considered infertile are now able to conceive and give birth to biological offspring using costly reproductive treatment. ... read more »

Current State of Vasectomy Reversal

Surgical vasectomy used to be viewed as a permanent means of sterilization, but advancements in microsurgery have changed the playing field. ... read more »

How Does Infertility Affect Relationships?

Infertility is the prolonged inability to conceive naturally or with assisted reproductive technology. Some couples wait years to seek professional fertility help and then face months or years of treatment. ... read more »

Patient Selection Criteria and Blastocyst Transfer

A total of 420 participants were included in the study completed at the Fertility-Centro de Fertilizacao Assistida in Brazil. All participants were having ICSI fertility treatments. In all, 2,781 graded blastocysts were involved. ... read more »

Nimodipine Delays Spontaneous LH Surge

Fertility specialists currently use GnRH analogue injections to stop spontaneous surges in LH (luteinizing hormone) in female patients being treated with assisted reproductive technology. ... read more »

Infertility Treatment and Male Spinal Cord Injury

Researchers from the Institut de readaptation Gingras-Lindsay-de-Montreal in Quebec wanted to find out just how effective assisted reproductive technology (ART) is for men with spinal cord injury (SCI). ... read more »

ICSI and Newborn HCV Infection

There are procedures used in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), a form of assisted reproductive technology, that may increase the risk of infant hepatitis C infection (HCV) when mom is HCV positive. ... read more »

Thrombophilia and Poor Ovarian Response

Researchers at Poriya Medical Center started the study into thrombophilia and ovarian response with 89 women seeking IVF-EF treatment. After the treatment, the women were placed in two groups. ... read more »

Assisted Conception Increases Risk for Birth Problems

A new study suggests babies born as the result of assisted reproduction are at least twice as likely to suffer serious complications as those born after spontaneous conception. ... read more »

Latest IVF Goal: Singleton Births, Fewer Twins

In the pioneering days of in vitro fertilization (IVF), multiple births were common. Implanting more than one embryo was a way to ensure at least one of them would result in full-term pregnancy; often more than one embryo resulted in full-term pregnancy. ... read more »

Fertility Drugs Cause More Multiple Births Than IVF

In 1971, about 1.8 percent of all babies born in the United States were multiple births - twins, triplets, or more (higher-order births). By 2011, the multiple-birth rate had climbed to 3.5 percent. The popularity of medically assisted conceptions had risen, too. ... read more »

Egg Donation Pregnancy Risk the Same for All Age Groups

There are significant pregnancy risks for women over the age of 50 who use assisted technologies to achieve pregnancy, though the risks are no greater for women over 50 than women under 50. ... read more »

Assisted Reproduction May Lead to Psychological Trauma

Women who conceive via assisted reproduction are more likely to suffer psychological trauma after early pregnancy loss, according to a study published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. ... read more »

Serum Beta-HCG Testing Needed with Multiple Treatment Cycles

Researchers from Yale University School of Medicine recently published a case study on a woman of 36 years who underwent two cycles clomiphene citrate with the second cycles occurring after an undetected pregnancy resulting from the first study. ... read more »

IVF Success Rate May Be Misleading

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is expensive but perhaps more important, it's an emotionally charged commitment with life-changing consequences. People considering this option undoubtedly want to work with the clinic that has the best track record. ... read more »

Effect of Hyaluronic Acid Sperm Selection in ICSI Patients

Researchers from the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in India recently published a study in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics on the impact of choosing sperm bond to hyaluronic acid (HA). ... read more »

Micro-Vibration and Development of Human Embryos

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, micro-vibration of human embryos may prove beneficial for poor responders. The procedure was assessed with mouse embryos and human embryos. ... read more »

Serum HCG Levels Do Not Predict Oocyte Maturity

HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is the pregnancy hormone that triggers a positive pregnancy test. The hormone is used to help facilitate egg maturation and release. ... read more »

Cystic Fibrosis and Fertility

Cystic fibrosis is a condition that can reduce overall lifespan. Recent medical advances have prolonged life of patients with cystic fibrosis and with increased lifespan come increased interest in the implications of the disease on fertility and reproduction. ... read more »

Cryotransfer of Embryos Developed from Vitrified Oocytes

Vitrification is a relatively new form of cryopreservation used to preserve sperm and oocytes. After warming, oocytes are fertilized and the resulting embryos are implanted using assisted reproductive technology (ART). ... read more »

$260 for a Test-Tube Baby?

A team of Belgium fertility doctors announced development of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) process that uses laboratory equipment much less expensive than traditional equipment. ... read more »

How Infertility Affects the Female Identity

Throughout the ages, women, especially newly married women, have been bombarded with the same questions: When are you going to start a family? What are you waiting for? I want grandchildren; when will you give them to me? What's wrong with you that you? ... read more »

Donor Recruitment Advertisements and Recommended Donor Age

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine suggests guidelines for egg donor qualification by fertility clinics and companies that recruit egg donors. ... read more »

Pain Relief for Women Undergoing Oocyte Removal

A study review published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews claims no one pain relief method is better than another, but using multiple methods concurrently may reduce pain more effectively for some women. ... read more »

How Past ART Results Affect Future Attempts

At Tyho-Galileo Research Laboratories, researchers theorized that Moore's Law could be used to predict future IVF outcome just as it had predicted advancement in technology. IVF procedure success has steadily increased in a linear path over the last seven years. ... read more »

Tumors May Be Linked To IVF Treatment

In-vitro fertilization is one of the treatment options to increase fertility and conception rate, yet according to new research, IVF treatment may be associated with ovarian tumor growth later in life. ... read more »
