How to Quit Smoking During Pregnancy in 12 Steps

Smoking before and during pregnancy increases many risks. Our 12 step program helps you dealing with this issue and stop smoking quickly. ... read more »

Diabetes and the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Women who have diabetes are at an increased risk for complications during pregnancy, including increased risk of birth defects or fetal death. These risks can be minimized by planning pregnancy ahead with the help of your obstetrician and primary diabetes care provider. ... read more »

All About Pregnancy Spotting

Pregnancy spotting is common in pregnancy, but that make it any easier to accept. During different times in gestation, pregnancy spotting can occur and the cause will be dependent on several factors. ... read more »

Tubal Ligation or Sterilization For Contraception

After having children, some women choose to have a tubal ligation to prevent future pregnancies. ... read more »

How to Choose a Good Doctor for Pregnancy Checklist

Choosing the best healthcare provider for prenatal care is about more than just talent. ... read more »

When To Take A Pregnancy Test To Get Best Results

Despite the claim that home pregnancy tests are effective as little as two to three days before the first day of your next menstrual cycle, the human body does not always live up to this expectation. ... read more »

After The Ob-Gyn Examination

After the ObGyn and pelvic examination your doctor should discuss the examination findings with you after you are dressed. ... read more »

Life and Pregnancy After Miscarriage

After miscarriage, many women have a long list of questions about physical health, mental health and parenthood. Understanding changes after miscarriage is often enough to put your mind at ease. ... read more »

Questions About Weight Gain Answered

Many women have questions about weight gain like, 'How much should I gain?' and 'Can I lose weight?' These and other questions about weight gain during pregnancy can be found below. ... read more »

Having a Baby – Things to Remember During Those 40 Weeks

Having a baby is a wonderful experience for most couples. When the surprise, elation and fear have died down a bit, the time comes to think about the impact of having a baby on life and future. ... read more »

Answering Questions about the Mucus Plug

The mucus plug forms soon after the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. The plug blocks the opening of the cervix until the gestational period is over. ... read more »

Pregnancy Discharge

Pregnancy discharge is a common symptom related to hormonal changes. However, the type of pregnancy discharge you have means the difference between normal secretions and potential infection. ... read more »

Laborists and Patient Satisfaction in Large, Urban Hospitals

Many hospitals are moving toward a laborist setting, according to recent research from authors at the University of Pennsylvania. A new study published in the journal Patient Preference and Adherence, examines this trend. ... read more »

More Obstetricians Delivering Babies

Researchers found a 50% decline in the use of family physicians for prenatal care over the last 10 years. ... read more »

Asking Intimate Questions about Infertility

Where does a woman turn when she’s too embarrassed or too scared to ask the most intimate questions of her health care providers? ... read more »

Questions I Forgot to Ask My Obstetrician

You would think after having two children I would have learned the right questions to ask my obstetrician. During my previous two pregnancies I had taken notes after birth of the questions I’d forgotten to ask. ... read more »