Does Eating Fish While Pregnant Impact Child's Intelligence?

Fish is a food that many pregnant women avoid due to potential mercury content. Consumption of fish during pregnancy may positively impact cognitive development and social prowess. ... read more »

Why Certain Fats are Better Than Others

rs, adding fat in our diets has gotten a bad rap. While it is true that eating an overabundance of fatty foods is a major cause of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more, recent research sheds new light on the whole fat picture. ... read more »

Everything You Want to Know About DHA and Omega 3s

DHA or docosahexaenoic acid is an omega 3 fatty acid typically found in fish oil. With all the warnings about reducing fish intake during pregnancy, many women choose to skip fish all together; unfortunately that may mean missing out on important omega 3 fatty acids. ... read more »

Nutrition During Pregnancy Can Affect Child’s Autism Risk

How a particular type of fat consumed during pregnancy can affect a child's autism risk. ... read more »

All About Prenatal Vitamins and Supplements

Essential for the health of mom and baby! ... read more »

Eat Yourself Beautiful with Three Key Food Groups

New research is emerging from the growing field of nutricosmetics which shows that one way you can stay looking your best while pregnant is by eating! ... read more »

Harmful Fats in Mom’s Diet Can Effect Newborn’s Health

The higher a woman's intake of trans fats (chemically produced fats that are not beneficial to health) during the second trimester of pregnancy, the larger her newborn. ... read more »

Eating Seafood During Pregnancy May Reduce Anxiety

Low-mercury fish are a good source of omega fatty acids like DHA, but high-mercury fish should be avoided during pregnancy. According to researchers from Bristol University in the United Kingdom, low-mercury seafood offers more than omega fatty acids. ... read more »

Do Fish Oil Supplements Increase Children’s Intelligence?

Two essential omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are extremely important during pregnancy, but can extra supplementation beyond diet increases a child's intelligence? ... read more »

Can I Consume Omega 3 During Pregnancy?

Omega 3s are essential for everyone in life and that is a fact that is not limited to people not carrying children. The controversy over the consumption of Omega 3s during pregnancy is in regards their source. Can I consume Omega 3s during pregnancy? ... read more »

Healthy Children and Omega 3s

Children can use Omega 3s in much the same manner as adults. While the majority of the population thinks of supplementation as an adult choice, children who are regularly supplemented with Omega 3s exhibit many of the same positive health benefits. ... read more »

Omega 3s - Natural versus Fortified versus Supplements

Supplementation, or fortification, refers to the process of adding vitamins, nutrients and even Omega 3s to a food that does not naturally have these items. ... read more »

Omega 3s Fatty Acids During Pregnancy Facts

Researchers are pounding the pavement in regards to the health benefits associated with Omega 3 fatty acids. ... read more »

What Foods Are Rich in Omega 3s

There are some foods that are rich in Omega 3s because they are a natural source of the oil. Other foods are fortified with DHA and EPA. ... read more »

Examples of a Twin Pregnancy Diet

A twin pregnancy diet requires very small, protein-rich meals eaten every two hours throughout the day. ... read more »

DHA Protects Baby During Pregnancy

A recent study published in Pediatrics links omega 3 fatty acids to infant health. According to the study but researchers at Emory University, DHA and other sources of omega 3 fatty acids, lessen the risk of infant illness. ... read more »

Hazelnut Oil: A New Source for Healthy Formula Fats

A mother's breast milk is perfect in every way and can provide all the nutrition her baby needs for more than a year. When a new mother cannot or chooses not to breastfeed, infant formula is the alternative. ... read more »

Omega-3 and Breastfeeding

The nutrients inside breast milk do wonders for the baby's immune system and brain. This is why it's important for mothers to take Omega-3vitamins during pregnancy and after. ... read more »

FDA, EPA Urge Pregnant Women To Eat More Fish

The FDA and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have recently issued an updated advisory urging pregnant women to eat more fish and to make sure their toddlers do too. ... read more »

Polyunsaturated Fat Intake Affects Childhood Weight

According to the study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, women who consume more polyunsaturated fats given birth to heavier infants. ... read more »

Salmon: Healthy Choice for Mom and Baby?

Researchers at the University of Granada have concluded that farm-raised salmon, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can be safely consumed two times a week by pregnant women. ... read more »

Can Consuming Fish Make My Child Smarter?

All you have to do is feed your child more fish and their IQ will go through the roof ' well, not exactly. ... read more »

Fertility Unaffected by Antioxidants

Antioxidants have been touted as a save-all with claims of weight loss, improved cellular health, reduced signs of aging and fertility-boosting effects, but according to researchers there is no connection between antioxidants and improved fertility. ... read more »

Fish Oil: Impact on Preeclampsia or Gestational Diabetes?

Researchers and doctors have been looking into the possible protective nature of DHA and other omega 3 fatty acids when taken late in pregnancy. ... read more »

Nuts for Fertility

Most women know that good nutrition can increase fertilityt, but there's another half of the fertility equation that has to do with the male: 30 - 50%of infertility are attributed to sperm issues. ... read more »

10 Best Superfoods for Men

Ahh, the superfood. According to some reports, superfoods will decrease your risk of cancer, improve overall health, help you maintain a healthy weight or lose weight and live a longer, happier life. ... read more »

Mediterranean Diet: Impact on IVF Success

A recent study involving mice demonstrated a "major impact" on the success rate of IVF when the mice were fed a Mediterranean diet before implantation. ... read more »

PreNexa Prenatal Vitamins Added More DHA and Vitamin D

A pharmaceutical company, Upsher-Smith Laboratories, Inc., announced its introduction of a new formula for its prescription prenatal vitamins marketed under the registered trademark name PreNexa. ... read more »

Pregnancy Nutrition: Eat Your DHA!

Research finds a new reason why adequate DHA intake is important during pregnancy. ... read more »

The Benefits of DHA During Pregnancy

The first five years of a 10-year double-blind study from the University of Kansas are complete and researchers are reporting a positive benefit of taking DHA during pregnancy. ... read more »

Eating Seafood Lifts a Pregnant Woman's Mood

Eating omega-3-rich seafood may be a mood-lifter for women who are feeling depressed during pregnancy, suggests a study of British women. ... read more »

What is the Best Prenatal Vitamin During Pregnancy?

The best prenatal vitamin contains the right amount of all essential vitamins. ... read more »

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Pregnancy

Omega-3 fatty acid are essential supplements during pregnancy. They have been shown to support the development of your baby's brain, eyes, heart amongst other benefits. ... read more »

Omega 3 Before and During Pregnancy

Omega 3s are used by the brain and in the growth and development of the body and they are especially important before and during pregnancy. ... read more »

Healthy Exercise and Supplementation

Moving and exercising during pregnancy is a great way to keep away many aches, pains and bouts of swelling. In addition to exercise, mom needs to understand how supplementation changes during pregnanc ... read more »

Are You Eating the Wrong Fats for Fertility?

Saturated fats have been shown to reduce the number of mature eggs (oocytes) for harvesting before IVF treatment. ... read more »