March of Dimes Statement on Women and Alcohol Consumption

No level of alcohol use during pregnancy has been proven safe. The March of Dimes recommends that pregnant women do not drink any alcohol—including beer, wine, wine coolers, and hard liquor— throughout their pregnancy and while nursing. ... read more »

Snoring and Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes

A new study from researchers at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine has found that women who reported frequent snoring during their pregnancy were more likely to develop gestational diabetes. ... read more »

Information About Vaccinations

How do vaccines work? ... read more »

Danish Jewish Penicillin: Chicken Soup with Meatballs

Pregnancy is a time of changes, markedly changes in how certain colds in pregnancy are treated. Jewish Penicillin recipes for chicken soup are a natural way to stop colds in pregnancy and keep pregnant women running strong. ... read more »

Amsterdam Jewish Penicillin: Quick and Easy Chicken Soup

When fighting a cold in pregnancy, women want to make a chicken soup that is quick and easy. ... read more »

Spanish Jewish Penicillin: Chicken Soup with Achote Oil

Sometimes the symptoms of cold in pregnancy can leave the mom-to-be feeling listless and in pain. Recipes for Jewish Penicillin are thought to have a significant effect on the symptoms of cold in pregnancy and the ingredients are all natural and healthy. ... read more »

Where to Find Information on Maternity Leave and FMLA

Women have a wealth of support when it comes to maternity leave and FMLA. Local, regional, state and federal departments are set-up to protect women during pregnancy from employer discrimination and retaliation. ... read more »

Food For Pregnant Women and During Pregnancy

Recommendations for pregnant women  what to eat and which food not to eat during pregnancy apply as well to the time trying to conceive. Eat the same before pregnancy as if you were already pregnant. ... read more »

Food Related Pregnancy Myths

Food related pregnancy myths. Fact or fiction? ... read more »

CDC Statement on Alcohol and Pregnancy

Center for Disease Control (CDC) Statement on the Consumption of Alcohol ... read more »

Can Raising My Hands Above My Head Hurt the Fetus?

Is it true that raising my hands above my head can hurt my baby? ... read more »

Mexican Jewish Penicillin: Tomatillo and Chicken Soup

Jewish Penicillin has been proven to reduce the time spent suffering from the common cold giving a pregnant woman more time to enjoy her pregnancy. This chicken soup recipe is a bit hot, but feel free to remove the jalapeno from the soup to reduce the heat. ... read more »

The Ins and Outs of Pregnancy Cramps

Pregnancy cramps can be scary for a pregnant woman. The cramps may be light and barely noticeable or strong and painful. They can signal a problem in pregnancy or be no cause for concern at all. ... read more »

Amman Jewish Penicillin: Jordan Chicken and Vegetable Stew

Keeping mom healthy for baby is important. Colds in pregnancy do not stop because a woman is pregnant. Jewish Penicillin is represented in every culture and recipes are packed with vitamins and nutrients. ... read more »

Changes in Vaginal pH May Indicate Premature Delivery

The pH of the vagina may be a good indicator of complications to come. During a model project spanning from 2004 to 2006, pregnant patients were asked to use test gloves to measure the pH of the vagina twice a week for 20 weeks. ... read more »

Eating Seafood Lifts a Pregnant Woman's Mood

Eating omega-3-rich seafood may be a mood-lifter for women who are feeling depressed during pregnancy, suggests a study of British women. ... read more »

More Obstetricians Delivering Babies

Researchers found a 50% decline in the use of family physicians for prenatal care over the last 10 years. ... read more »