Hospital Care for a Premature Infant

Premature infants are born before the 37th week gestation. The earlier an infant is born, the greater the chance special care will be required before the infant is discharged from the hospital. ... read more »

Preemies with RSV Face More Hospital Time in First 6 Months

In some children, an RSV infection can be quite serious. These kids are much more likely to spend time in a hospital due to RSV during the first six months of their lives than most kids. ... read more »

Enzyme May Hold Key to Brain Damage Treatment

During childbirth, the infant may spend a significant amount of time in the birth canal. If too much time passes, the infant may suffer from birth asphyxia. Birth asphyxia occurs when the brain does not get enough oxygen during childbirth. ... read more »

Premature Babies at Higher Risk of Disorganized Attachment

Researchers from the University of Warwick (UK) may have found a connection between neurological development and parent-child attachment. According to the study, infants born prematurely have twice the risk of suffering disorganized attachment. ... read more »

The Flu Is Really Tough on Preemies

Research indicates the flu is really tough on preemies, many of whom are already battling other physical ailments associated with their early births. ... read more »

Preemies More Likely To Be Left-Handed

Children born early are almost twice as likely to be left-handed rather than right-handed, according to author Sharon Moalem, MD, PhD. Moalem explores the health implications of handedness. ... read more »

Link Between Brain Chemicals and Developmental Problems in Newborns

Scientists have discovered a new way to determine whether a preterm infant is at risk for motor development problems. ... read more »

Anna Faris Welcomes First Child

Anna Faris and husband Chris Pratt are thrilled to welcome their first child, a boy, into the world. ... read more »

Premature Labor Symptoms and Signs - When To Call The Doctor

Premature labor and delivery is the #1 reason for newborn death. You should call the doctor or go to the hospital if you have any of these symptoms or signs. ... read more »

Risk of SIDS Sudden Death Infant Syndrome Linked to Smoking

Babies born to mothers who smoke are at increased risk for SIDS. ... read more »

There is a New HeRO for Premature Infants

J. Randall Moorman, a cardiologist from the University of Virginia co-invented the HeRO system to reduce the number of fatalities in the premature population. ... read more »

Special Follow-Up Care for Low Birth Weight Infants

Being born low birth weight is often associated with prematurity. If your infant was born full term with no complications, but weighed less than 5.5 pounds, the term low birth weight may be used, but special care considerations and programs will not apply, in most cases. ... read more »

Hospital Care of Small for Gestational Age Infants

Small for gestational age is a medical term used to describe the weightand gestational age of an infant. Just because an infant is small forgestational age doesn't mean extra care is needed or that the infantwill have long-term medical issues. ... read more »

Evaluating Current Ventilation Therapies in Preterm Infants

Ventilation and other medical interventions are often used on pre-term infants to improve lung function and prolong early life long enough to allow the lungs to develop properly and sustain life without medical intervention. ... read more »

Famous Preemies: Anna Pavlova

Anna Pavlovna Matveyevna was born several weeks early in Russia in 1881 to a laundry-maid mother and an unknown father. She became one of the most celebrated ballerinas of all time. ... read more »

Famous Preemies: Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder was born six weeks early in Saginaw, Michigan. The oxygen-rich environment of his incubator led to retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). The baby was blind. ... read more »

Famous Preemies: Winston Churchill

The circumstances surrounding the birth of Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill read like a Victorian novel, full of intrigue, innuendo, and hints of scandal. ... read more »

Famous Preemies: Derek Paravicini

When Derek Paravicini was born on July 26, 1979, at 25 weeks, he was given oxygen therapy as standard procedure. The oxygen is said to have caused blindness and severe learning disabilities. ... read more »

Music, Mom’s Voice Help Preemies Eat Better

A recent study has found that parents can help their premature baby significantly. The research team used music and the mother's voice to encourage preemies to feed themselves effectively in the NICU. ... read more »

NICU Volunteer “Cuddlers” Embrace Labor of Love

For some very lucky preemies, NICU volunteer 'cuddlers' come to the rescue. These volunteers are trained to hold and comfort NICU babies when parents and nurses can't be there. ... read more »

Surprise Finding: Preemies Face COPD in Mid-20s

Adults born prematurely (ex-preterms) and diagnosed with BPD are at increased for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ... read more »

Polyamines in Human Breast Milk for Preterm and Term Infants

Researchers from the University of Murcia, in Spain, recently published a study revealing the differences between the level of polyamines in the breast milk of mothers born to preterm infants and the breast milk of mothers with infants born term. ... read more »

Premature Babies Soothed by Lullabies

A new study published in the journal Pediatrics claims lullabies are more than soothing songs to lure baby to sleep. Premature infants treated in NICUs (neonatal intensive care units) showed improvements in health associated with lullabies. ... read more »

Viruses Found in Stool Samples of Premature Infants

Researchers from the Prince of Wales Hospital recently published a study in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health revealing specific viruses and prevalence of infection in infants admitted to neonatal intensive care units (NICU). ... read more »

Baby-Friendly NICU to Support Kangaroo Care

The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is where premature and special needs neonates spend the first days, weeks or months of their new lives. ... read more »

Feeding Your Low Birth Weight Infant

Low birth weight is defined as an infant weighing less than 2,500 grams or about 5.5 pounds. Low birth weight infants can be born at any time during gestation so not all cases involve premature delivery. ... read more »

Home Care of Small for Gestational Age Infants

When parents give birth to a small for gestational age (SGA)  infant it can be a scary experience. That tiny little bundle of joy may need additional care in the hospital before being released and some of that care may extend months or years into the future, but extra care is not always needed. ... read more »

Caring for Your Large for Gestational Age Infant

A large for gestational age infant is born weighing more than 90% of all other infants born at the same gestational age. For instance, if an infant is born at 37 weeks weighing in excess of 10 pounds, that infant is termed large for gestational age. ... read more »

Use of Hydralazine in Preterm Infants

Researchers from the Stollery Children's Hospital recently published a study in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews on the potential effect of using the drug Hydralazine to prevent such deaths. ... read more »

Breast Milk Fortification and Preterm Infants

Researchers from the University of York recently published a study in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Review on the implications of fortifying breast milk to speed up growth and facilitate neurodevelopment in preterm infants. ... read more »

Sight-Saving Eye Drops Trigger Preemie Heart Attack

The Journal of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus carries the story of a premature baby undergoing a preventive treatment that saves the eyesight of many preemies. ... read more »

Brain Development and Slower Growth in Preterm Infants

Researchers recently published a study in the journal Science Translational Medicine regarding a possible link between brain development and slower growth in preterm infants. ... read more »

Intubating Neonates May Cause Tooth Defects

Researchers from the Universidade Federal do Parana have reported cases of tooth defects in neonates intubated soon after birth. All infants included in the study were intubated in the hospital after preterm delivery - prior to the 35th week gestation. ... read more »

Changes in Serum Procalcitonin After Birth

According to researchers from the Department of Pediatrics at Peking University Third Hospital, serum procalcitonin levels reach peak levels and decline to normal levels within 96 hours of birth for most infants, including premature infants. ... read more »

Language Skills Improve When Parents Talk to Preemies

A new study indicates the more words per hour a preemie hears in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), the sooner s/he catches up on language. ... read more »

Low Birth Weight Babies: Hospital and Home Care

Infants born weighing less than 2,500 grams (5.5 pounds) are considered low birth weight. Some low birth weight infants are born premature while others are born on-time, but weigh less than average. ... read more »

Bariatric Surgery Risk: Preterm and Low Birth Weight Babies

Women who have had bariatric surgery have higher risks for early delivery during pregnancy and having babies who were small for their gestational age, according to a new study published in BMJ. ... read more »

Benefits of Immediate NICU High-Frequency Breathing Support

One of the toughest hurdles that premature babies must overcome is breathing. Preemies almost always require breathing support in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). ... read more »

Increasing Mean Arterial Blood Pressure in Preterm Infants

A study in the Archives of Diseases in childhood reports a possible new treatment for increasing mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) in preterm infants. Doctors administered tocolytic indomethacin to 18 mothers in preterm labor. ... read more »

Prematurity Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Disease

Premature delivery of a baby comes with a long list of potential complications, including prolonged hospital stays, difficulty breathing and difficulty maintaining proper body temperature due to low levels of fat on the neonatal body. ... read more »

Scotland Considers Adding Gestation Length to School Records

Researchers in Scotland have proposed adding gestation length to a child's school records to identify the preemies so school teachers will know which kids might need a little special attention. ... read more »

Characteristics of Neonatal Hypoglycemia

A new report published in the Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism examines the common characteristics of infants admitted to neonatal units for hypoglycemia to give medical professionals a set of guidelines or common factors in infants affected by the condition. ... read more »

Extreme Prematurity Linked With Neurodevelopmental Problems

According to a new meta-analysis study published in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers from the Ottawa Hospital in Canada report an increased risk of neurodevelopmental problems in infants, and an extreme risk when associated with gestational age at birth. ... read more »

The Impact of Mom's Voice on Low Birth Weight Babies

Very low birth weight (VLBW) infants are typically born prematurely. If the fetus remained in utero for the duration of pregnancy, weight gain would have increased during the last few weeks. ... read more »

Students Save Struggling Newborns Around the World

Four students enrolled in Stanford University's Design for extreme affordability course developed an innovative new incubator that mothers in remote villages around the world are using to save the lives. ... read more »

Feeding Performance of Preterm Neonates on Paladai Feeding

According to researchers from the Department of Pediatrics at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, paladai (beaked receptacle) feeding can be effective in preterm infants as young as 30 weeks postconceptional age (PCA). ... read more »

‘Kangaroo Care’ Boosts Mother-Child Bond and Preemie Health

The human touch is important. One person touching another, skin to skin, may be most important when establishing a bond between a mother and her newborn child. ... read more »

A New Life-Saving Device for Preemies

At Rice University in Houston, Texas one group of their students has turned to shoe boxes and aquarium pumps to bring the breath of life to babies born prematurely. ... read more »

Nasal vs. Oral: Feeding Tube Placement in Preterm Infants

Feeding tube placement in preterm and/or low birth weight infants is crucial to comfort and overall health. Nasal tubes can interfere with proper breathing and respiration while oral tubes are more likely to cause irritation or become displaced during hospitalization. ... read more »

Improved Care for Preemies With Cognitive Disabilities

The death rate of premature infants dropped from 90% to 20% from 1950 to 2000. The drop is associated with advances in critical care. ... read more »
