Saturated Fats Put Body Fat Where Heart, Diabetes Most Risky

Researchers in Sweden have discovered that some fats make us dangerously fat in the belly while another type is responsible for bulges elsewhere. ... read more »

IVF Success Strengthens Relationships

When IVF is successful, and a baby is born from the experience, the bond between the parents is strengthened, according to a recent study from Denmark. ... read more »

Thyroid Disorders Linked to Female Infertility

A recent study makes a strong case for including thyroid health in the nation’s universal screening protocols. ... read more »

More Evidence Antibiotics Are More Harmful Than Expected

Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to cure bacterial infections — and they usually do — but a growing body of evidence indicates antibiotics are more harmful than once expected. ... read more »

Baby-Weight Study: 9 Months On, 9 Months Off Recommended

New research suggests that a woman's weight one year after delivery is a strong predictor of her health 15 years in the future. ... read more »

Sperm Requires Well-Aligned Support System for Optimum Health

Scientific studies on infertility in laboratory mice have shown that the absence of a certain transcription factor ' p73 ' leads to infertilityin both male and female mice. ... read more »

Number of Stay-at-Home Moms on the Rise

The number of mothers who stay at home rather than hold jobs outside the home has risen significantly in the past 15 years. ... read more »

NIH: New Drugs Must Be Tested on Both Sexes

The National Institutes of Health want to see changes made in the way medical researchers in the U.S. conduct scientific studies. At the moment, the vast majority of tests are conducted on males. ... read more »

Fertilization More Likely When IVF Eggs Dance to the Music

Fertility specialists in Spain discovered that fertilization rates are higher when eggs being prepped for in vitro fertilization (IVF) can dance to the music being piped into their incubator. ... read more »

Impact of Neonatal HSV Reduced with Long-Term Oral Treatment

Neonatal HSV can cause brain damage and death so researchers took a look at how long-term treatment affected the outcome 12 months after treatment was completed. ... read more »

Infant’s Hair Offers Glimpse Into Womb Environment

One question that remains unanswered and intriguing to Christopher Coe is "How does the prenatal environment set the stage for risk or for resilience?" ... read more »

Human Touch Instrumental for Baby’s Language Development

A Purdue University researcher and her team of colleagues have discovered that touching a baby could be as important for its speech development as hearing words and sentences. ... read more »

2013 Population Growth Slowest Since 1937

This year's population estimate was released on December 30, 2013. Itincludes the Census Bureau's estimation of US population on July 1,2013. ... read more »

Will Your Cell Phone Hurt Your Baby?

Mice exposed to simulated cell phone exposure while in the womb developed behaviors that resemble attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in human kids. ... read more »

Pregnant? Job Hunting? Confront Stereotypes Immediately

When the job market isn't so ideal, employers look for ways to weedthrough the many applicants vying for a single position. Unfortunately,pregnant applicants are often weeded out quickly, based on nothing morevalid - or legal - than the mere state of being pregnant. ... read more »

Inducing Labor Does Not Induce Autism

Studies in recent years have hinted at a link between using thissynthetic hormone ' oxytocin ' to induce or augment labor and theincidence of autism in the child. ... read more »

Maternal Lifestyle and Social Determinants

Researchers published a study in the Global Journal of Health Sciences regarding the use of universal questionnaires to research maternal lifestyle habits, often used to determine maternal/fetal risk, in cultures that do not conform to universal standards. ... read more »

Cool Pregnant Women Have Healthier Pregnancies

According to research completed by QUT (Queensland University of Technology), pregnant women need to stay cool during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy to decrease the risk of miscarriage and birth defects. ... read more »

Wi-Fi Laptops Could Be Frying Your Sperm

Men who usually rest their Wi-Fi laptops on their laps are much more vulnerable to reduced sperm motility and degeneration of the sperm DNA lowering the possibility of men to become fathers. ... read more »

Older First-Time Moms Not at Higher Risk of Depression

Researchers at Macquarie University have found no connection between maternal age and risk of depression. The study expressly focused on older women. ... read more »

Fracking and Infertility: Is There a Link?

Fracking is one of the hottest trends in the energy business right now and it's a word that keeps environmentalists plenty busy, too. As it grows in popularity and more wells are drilled across the country, the health aspects of the process are being closely examined. ... read more »

Neighbor’s Family Size May Affect Family Planning

The majority of participants in a recent study in Nepal claimed two children was the ideal number (73%), but more than half of the women continue to have children beyond the second child. ... read more »

ADHD Risk Increases With Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis

According to a report, children born to mothers with gestational diabetes have an increased risk of developing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ... read more »

Brain Development Affected by Environment and Experience

Recent studies have revealed that maternal stress, weight and eating habits can affect infant health well into adulthood. A new study now reports that life experiences of the mother during pregnancy may also have an impact on health. ... read more »

Matrix Metalloproteinases and In-Vitro Fertilization Outcome

Predicting the possible outcome of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) before the procedure takes place is a manik goal of reproductive research. ... read more »

Fetal Yawns Captured in 4-D

The latest ultrasound technology shows us that all this delightful activity starts long before a baby is born. Yawns, for instance, keep a baby busy during the sixth month of gestation. ... read more »

Womb Transplants Becoming Viable Reality in Sweden

Nine young women in Sweden recently received uterus transplants in ground-breaking surgery that may allow them to bear children. ... read more »

Protein Responsible for Cell-Cell Fusion Revealed

In healthy human tissues, cell-cell fusion is uncommon, but this fusion is necessary for placental development during pregnancy. Researchers have long searched for some idea or indication explaining how the body promotes cell-cell fusion during pregnancy. ... read more »

Fetal Heart Rate Not Good Predictor of Fetal Health

According to a research study completed by the Intermountain Medical Center, fetal heart rate may not be the best indicator of fetal health. ... read more »

Some Women At Higher Risk of Pain After C-Section

Researchers presented a study at the Anesthesiology 2011 conference could help doctors predict increased risk of pain in patients having repeat C-sections. ... read more »

Auto Mechanic’s Dream Vision Eases Delivery Difficulties

What do you get when you cross an auto mechanic, a YouTube video, and a vision in a dream? In the case of Argentinian mechanic Jorge Odón, you get the Odón Device. ... read more »

PCOS Increases Risk of Complications During Pregnancy

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, affects up to 15-percent of the female population. Women with the condition tend to have irregular periods, fertility problems, weight gain and excessive facial hair growth. ... read more »

Fertility Treatment May Affect Fetus Size

A new study links fetal birth weight to type of conception. According to the study, infants conceived using fertility treatments are significantly smaller than infants born after natural conception. ... read more »

DES Still Impacting Women of the World

DES or diethylstilbestrol was given to women for more than three decades. The synthetic estrogen was prescribed to pregnant women as a means of preventing miscarriage, but the drug caused vaginal tumors, so the Food and Drug Administration pulled it from the market in 1971. ... read more »

Study: Seminal Fluid May Influence Baby’s Health

A new study indicates the health of a man's seminal fluid is an indicator for ease of conception as well as life-long health of offspring. ... read more »

C-Section May Lead to Increased Risk for Asthma

Asthma is a breathing disorder that affects approximately 300 million people globally. It is estimated that the condition causes more than 250,000 deaths annually. ... read more »

Computer Programmers Plan First 3D Virtual Birth Simulator

Computer programmers from the University of East Anglia announced they are working to create the world's first 3D virtual birth simulator. ... read more »

Got Milk? Get Taller Babies

Thorhallur Halldorsson says, 'There aren't many prenatal dietary orenvironmental factors identified that explain growth in children (but)milk drinking may be one.' ... read more »

Micro-Vibration and Development of Human Embryos

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, micro-vibration of human embryos may prove beneficial for poor responders. The procedure was assessed with mouse embryos and human embryos. ... read more »

Early Birth Could Lead to Increased Risk of Early Death

A report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reveals that children born before 37 weeks gestation have an increased risk of early death during early childhood and early adulthood compared to children born full-term. The study included more than 600,000 children born from 1973 to 1976 in Sweden. ... read more »

Converting Skin Cells to Stem Cells to Create Viable Sperm

A team of research scientists at Stanford University was able to convert skin cells of infertile men into human sperm cells. ... read more »

Girls’ Eggs May Be Different from Women’s Eggs

The results of a study on female mice might lead the way to improved treatments for human females experiencing certain reproductive difficulties. ... read more »

Delay in Language Development Reduced With Folic Acid

A new study was recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealing that folic acid intake during the first eight weeks of pregnancy has a significant impact on language development up to three years after birth. ... read more »

Protein Important to Fertility and Risk of Miscarriage

Researchers have discovered that a protein enzyme may be responsible for some cases of infertility and recurrent miscarriage. The SGK1 enzyme needs to be carefully balanced to promote pregnancy and maintain pregnancy, according to research. ... read more »

Pregnant Women Judge Space Needed for Growing Body Accurately

Pregnant women are just as good at judging whether their now-expanding bodies will fit through a door or other openings as people who are not expecting. ... read more »

Pregnancy is Most Googled Medical Symptom in 2013

The study of internet search words is a tremendously big business benefiting many industries. ... read more »

Mom’s Metabolism Could Control Gestation

Researchers have suggested for years that primates are more developed at birth than humans because we walk upright. According to new research, this theory is not based on sound fact or clinical research. ... read more »

8-Cell Embryo “Hug” May Help Determine Best IVF Candidates

One of life's most endearing moments occurs when a new parent gives afirst hug to a newborn baby. Countless medical studies have documentedthe nurturing value of the human touch. ... read more »

Enhancing Uterine Receptivity to Improve IVF Pregnancy Rates

Recent studies on genetics show that enhancing expression of particular developmental genes at certain periods in the uterus could help the success of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) pregnancies. ... read more »

Perinatal Anti-Depressant May Slow Brain Development

When researchers exposed rat fetuses to a serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) during the final fetal stages and immediately after birth, they showed significant signs of slowed and impaired brain development. Researchers found the behaviors similar to those presenting in autism cases in humans. ... read more »
