New DNA Test Offers Miscarriage Clues

Twenty percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage and recurrent miscarriage happens to about 5% of all couples trying to have a family. ... read more »

Lack of Oxygen In-Utero Linked to ADHD

Having the correct amount of oxygen delivered to growing organs and cells of the fetus are important to healthy fetal development, but researchers at Kaiser Permanente suggest oxygen levels are important in functional development as well. ... read more »

Treatments Options for Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is one of the main causes of death during pregnancy and fertility is at stake for survivors. ... read more »

Human Somatic Cells and Oocytes Age Differently - Study

Human somatic cells and reproductive cells use distinctive organic mechanisms that exhibit a thin line of similarities between the kinds of genes needed to keep oocytes strong and fertile and the genes that extend life expectancy. ... read more »

Babies Born to Emotionally Distant Dads Face Tough First Year

Paul Raeburn's book highlights the lack of scientific research on the father-child connection and confirms the value of this relationship. ... read more »

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Test on the Horizon

Researchers have found evidence of gestational alcohol intake in the first infant bowel movement. ... read more »

Chemotherapy During Pregnancy: No Developmental Problem Risk

Using chemotherapy during pregnancy for the treatment of cancer comes with great concern for the health of the fetus. Researchers have recently completed a study involving a small number of children born after in-utero exposure to chemotherapy. ... read more »

“Black Box” of Embryo Implantation Discovered and Filmed

In spite of a wealth of medical knowledge surrounding reproduction, one aspect of embryo development, implantation, has remained a mystery. But researchers now say they've filmed it in action. ... read more »

Age and Female Fertility: New Discoveries

General medical knowledge for the past 50 years has maintained that a woman's fertility drastically declines after age 35. This has caused many women in their late 30's and early 40's to go running to a fertility doctor at the first sign of difficulty conceiving. ... read more »

Chemotherapy Has Bigger Impact on Fertility

New research indicates that chemotherapy has a bigger impact on female fertility than many reports reveal. The new research results could give doctors and patients more appropriate and realistic information on the long-term effects of chemotherapy on fertility. ... read more »

Functional Vaginas May Bring Fertility to Girls Born Without

With Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH), girls are born without vaginas. ... read more »

Parents: Put Down Your Devices

A pediatrician and a psychologist fear our children may pay the ultimate price of tech-savvy parents. ... read more »

Microscope Shows Sperm's Final Push to Fertilization

No one had ever witnessed this event before but it could become instrumental in improving the success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF). ... read more »

Doctors Group OKs Warm Water Soak During Labor, Not Delivery

A warm water soak in the early stages of labor are likely to prove beneficial to the mother but they find no evidence that giving birth underwater benefits either mother or baby. ... read more »

Prolonged Temporary Employment Can Delay Pregnancy

Researchers now think there is an association between a woman's employment status and the age at which she has her first child. A woman who works at temporary jobs is less likely to have her first child by the age of 35, according to a new study. ... read more »

Fiber Mesh Fabric Prevents Pregnancy and HIV

According to a research study published in PLoS One, the fibers can be modified to release medications immediately or over the course of a few days ' ideal for women seeking pregnancy and HIV protection other than the condom. ... read more »

Coughs, Sneezes Spread Flu Germs Farther Than Expected

The gas cloud that forms after a cough or a sneeze is a lot more complicated than originally thought, according to a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). ... read more »

New Study: Brain Function and Fertility

A recent study brings scientists a step closer to understanding the critical connection between brain function and fertility. ... read more »

Autism and Glutamate Receptors

Using data on the action of mGlu5 receptors on the cell's surface, pharmaceutical companies developed drugs that would lower the volume of the surface receptors and control autistic behavior. ... read more »

Mom and Dad Experience Brain Changes After Baby

The brains of the homosexual fathers changed most of all, responding to their child’s signals the way heterosexual mothers and heterosexual fathers responded. ... read more »

Male Infertility: Scientists Insert Nanoparticles into Sperm

Researchers at Oxford University have developed a new way to insert special nanoparticles into sperm. This new technique could someday help doctors discover, diagnose and treat the underlying causes of infertility. ... read more »

Things We Just Don’t Know About Making Babies

A group of researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine used the internet to find out what American women of reproductive age think they know about making babies. ... read more »

Ring Finger Length and Future Health Problems

For ages, the length of the ring finger has been the topic of medical attention, but ring finger length is mentioned in history far before modern medicine. Culturally, men with longer ring fingers were considered more fertile and thus more sought after as life-long mates. ... read more »

Swedish Uterus Transplant: First Successful Embyro

The Swedish team of medical specialists has just announced that the first embryo implant has taken place. Others will follow in the coming months. ... read more »

Oxytocin May Help Children with Autism

A single dose of oxytocin enhances brain activity while children with autism engage in social information, according to results of a recent study performed by researchers from Yale University. ... read more »

Video Tracking System Identifies Healthiest Living Sperm

A multinational, multidisciplinary team of European researchers has devised a three-dimensional (3-D) video tracking system that allows observer to watch living sperm in motion. ... read more »

Cluster of Rare Birth Defects in Washington

There's a mystery involving rare birth defects in a small rural area of Washington state that's pitting mothers and medical personnel against the state's health department. ... read more »

Do Raspberries Boost Fertility?

Two newspapers in the United Kingdom recently reported that eating raspberries could boost fertility; scientists now call these reports 'misleading.' ... read more »

Help or Be a Helper: Which Word Choice Motivates Kids?

A team of psychologists says choosing the right word when asking for help from a child makes a difference. ... read more »

Testicular Tissue to Preserve Fertility for Boys with Cancer

An increasingly important aspect of cancer treatment in children is how cancer treatment today affects the child's ability to reproduce as an adult. ... read more »

Blue-Light Goggles in Development to Prevent Preterm Labor

Approximately 35% of all infant deaths in the US are linked to preterm labor. These grim statistics have led one professor on a quest to find a safe and effective way to prevent preterm labor. ... read more »

Scotland Considers Adding Gestation Length to School Records

Researchers in Scotland have proposed adding gestation length to a child's school records to identify the preemies so school teachers will know which kids might need a little special attention. ... read more »

Smoking During Pregnancy Not Linked to Autism

Tobacco smoke and the chemicals produced have long been linked to problems and conditions with the fetus. The conditions range from low birth weight, prematurity and in some instances birth defects. ... read more »

Danish Study: Lifestyle Choices Reduce Risk of Miscarriage

A research team based at the University of Copenhagen explored the incidence of miscarriage in Denmark to see if there might be ways to prevent them. ... read more »

Early Predictor for Postpartum Depression

A new study from Belgium studied positive feelings during pregnancy and the likelihood of postpartum depression. ... read more »

Assisted Conception: Childhood Cancer Risk

Children born as a result of assisted conception do not have a greater risk of cancer than are children conceived by spontaneous conception. ... read more »

Beta Cell Function Decline and Glucose Intolerance

Researchers from the Department of Internal Medicine at Keio University in Tokyo recently published a study in the Journal of Endocrinology regarding a possible cause or contributing factor in gestational diabetes. ... read more »

Benefits of Antiretroviral Drugs During Pregnancy

The findings of a recent study may quiet concerns that the babies of women who are HIV-positive during pregnancy will be more prone to birth defects if the mother takes antiretroviral drugs. ... read more »

Students Save Struggling Newborns Around the World

Four students enrolled in Stanford University's Design for extreme affordability course developed an innovative new incubator that mothers in remote villages around the world are using to save the lives. ... read more »

A New Life-Saving Device for Preemies

At Rice University in Houston, Texas one group of their students has turned to shoe boxes and aquarium pumps to bring the breath of life to babies born prematurely. ... read more »

Increased Risk of Autism for Children of Mothers with Lupus

Children born to mothers with Lupus are at twice the risk of developing autism spectrum disorders (ASD) than are those born to women without the disease, according to a new study. ... read more »

New Understanding of Preeclampsia May Lead to Future Drug Therapies

Preeclampsia 'has puzzled scientists for year." But lead research scientist's discoveries offer hope for drug therapies that could be used in the future to treat preeclampsia before any harm is done. ... read more »

Study Finds Rural India Maternal Health Program Ineffective

A high profile maternal health program in India fails to deliver on its promises to reduce infant and maternal deaths in rural areas, according to a new study. The program had intended to reduce mortality by encouraging women to deliver in private hospitals. ... read more »

Blood Test for Pregnant Women Shows RNA Activity in Fetus

Researchers at Stanford University in California have developed a test that uses a small sample of a pregnant woman's blood to monitor the RNA activity of a fetus throughout pregnancy. ... read more »

Exposure to BPA May Decrease Fertility in Women

The chemical BPA may cause infertility in women, according to a new study by Brigham and Women's Hospitals (BWM). The study, published online in the journal Human Reproduction, is the first research of its kind. ... read more »

Procedure to Reduce Postpartum Bleeding is a Step Closer to Reality

A procedure that promises to prevent the fatal loss of blood after childbirth (postpartum bleeding) in women residing in developing countries moves closer to becoming a reality. ... read more »

Taste Receptors on Testicles Linked to Fertility

Sometimes the most well-laid scientific plans can take a surprising turn. That happened recently at Philadelphia's Monell Chemical Senses Center, where a team of researchers was experimenting on mice and their taste receptors. ... read more »

The Changing Shape of Female Fertility

According to research data compiled over 55 years, natural selection is moving from short, stout women to tall thin women ' a change that could have global implications, according to researchers. ... read more »

World's First Baby Born from Ovarian Tissue

A young girl in Belgium faced a lifetime of debilitating pain and organ damage due to sickle cell disease. Doctors proposed a stem cell transplant, which would save her life but destroy her ovaries. ... read more »

Babies May Gain Immunity at Conception

A recent study suggests a degree of immunity might also be conveyed to the baby at the time of its conception. ... read more »
