Hope for HIV positive breastfeeding mothers

Mother treated with antiretroviral therapy (HAART) pass the virus onto their breastfeeding babies less often, when compared to breastfeeding mothers who were treated with conventional methods. ... read more »

Breastfeeding Exclusively May Prevent Infection

In a new study published by the Archives of Diseases in Childhood, women who exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life were less likely to report common infections ... read more »

Breast Cancer Survivors Can Breast-Feed After Treatment

Researchers presented a report at the 35th Congress of the European Society for Medical Oncology that may take a few oncologists by surprise. ... read more »

Breasts, Leaky (Postpartum)

When nursing, women often have to deal with leaky breasts. Milk dripping or spraying from the breasts can be uncomfortable and messy. ... read more »

Exhaustion, Postpartum

The baby has finally arrived and it feels like that boost of nesting energy left too quickly. Many moms feel postpartum exhaustion and simply need a bit of time to rest-up while her body is changing, yet again, and trying to return to normal. ... read more »

Breasts, Leaky (Colostrum)

When the final stages of pregnancy grow near, hormones are released that activate milk glands to begin production. At first the milk produced is thick and full of protein for easy digestion by the baby. This milk is called colostrum. ... read more »

Caring for the Baby When Mom Breastfeeds

Moms who breastfeed do have an advantage over dad when it comes to bonding with the baby, but that does not have to be the steadfast rule.    ... read more »

Bottle Feeding: Is It Healthy?

Bottle feeding offers a safe, healthy alternative to breastfeeding. All formulas must offer a basic list of nutritional advantages to the baby. Among infant formulas there are four types: milk-based, soy-based, lacto-based and speciality. ... read more »

Breastfed Babies Have Lesser Risk of Asthma

A new study conducted by researchers in the Netherlands finds babies fed exclusively breast milk until 6 months of age are less likely to suffer from asthma symptoms.  ... read more »

Lactation and Cardiovascular Disease

According to a study presented at the 27th Meeting of the Society for the Maternal-Fetal Medicine, women who choose to breastfeed are less likely to suffer from Coronary Artery Disease later in life. ... read more »

Mothers of NICU Newborns Lacking Privacy

Despite smaller patient numbers and secluded environments, neonatal intensive care units (NICU) are not the best places for breastfeeding mothers, according to a new study from researchers at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing. ... read more »

Hazelnut Oil: A New Source for Healthy Formula Fats

A mother's breast milk is perfect in every way and can provide all the nutrition her baby needs for more than a year. When a new mother cannot or chooses not to breastfeed, infant formula is the alternative. ... read more »

Low Milk Supply When Breastfeeding

It is common for women to feel they are experiencing low milk supply at just the precise moment the female body gets used to feeding. Over-filled, leaky breasts are replaced with breasts that feel near normal and rarely leak. ... read more »

Breastfeeding: Nipple Confusion

Nipple confusion occurs when baby is introduced to bottle feeding before he masters breastfeeding. There is nothing wrong with bottle feedingbreast milk, but breastfeeding is much more difficult than bottlefeeding ' something infants quickly learn. ... read more »

Can I Have In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) While Breastfeeding?

There is very little information about the safety of IVF while breastfeeding; probably because most fertility doctors suggest waiting until baby has been weaned. ... read more »

Does Pregnancy Affect Breast Milk Production?

There is a good chance your breast milk supply will decrease during pregnancy. Some women notice a change in the first few months and others in the second trimester. ... read more »

Fertility Drugs and Breastfeeding

Fertility drugs are not commonly used by breastfeeding women so there is very little information on safety and efficacy. It is not known if drugs like Clomid, HCG, FSH and other fertility drugs pass to baby in breast milk. ... read more »

Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing

There is a theory that the female human body will naturally space pregnancies, only allowing conception when the body is ready for another fetus. The theory depends heavily on cessation of ovulation and lactation amenorrhea while breastfeeding. ... read more »

Can I Continue Breastfeeding While Pregnant?

You can continue to breastfeed while you are pregnant, but you may notice changes in breast milk production and supply. Progesterone increases overpower prolactin, leaving less of the lactation hormone in the blood stream. ... read more »

When to Work on Breastfeeding Basics

From the first weeks after conception, the breasts are naturallypreparing for breastfeeding. While the body is taking care of the basics, you'll need time to prepare for the art of breastfeeding. ... read more »

Possible Culprit of Low Breast Milk Supply is Identified

New research is shedding light on why some breastfeeding women have alow milk supply. Insulin, the hormone that transports sugar from thebloodstream to the body's cells, may play an important role. ... read more »

Breastfeeding: Colostrum

Colostrum, often referred to as first milk, is produced during the latter stages of pregnancy. The milk is thick, yellow and packed with antibodies and protein to protect and feed your new baby. ... read more »

Breast Milk Sold on Internet May be Tainted

Breast milk purchased over the internet could make babies sick, according to a new study. Researchers found high amounts of bacteria in most of the samples they purchased through two internet companies. ... read more »

Newborn and Baby: Month 7

The thrills of being a parent are a daily benefit of caring for baby, but that care takes energy and nearly all of your time. ... read more »

What is Lactation Amenorrhea?

Breastfeeding mothers who do not experience a normal menstrual period are considered to have lactation amenorrhea. The condition is considered a natural means of birth control. ... read more »

Baby Food Lacking Nutritional Content Infants Need

According to research completed in 2012, the majority of commercial baby food is sweet and lacking the nutrition infants need when weaning from the breast. ... read more »

Contraceptives During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

All about contraceptives and pregnancy/breastfeeding. Are they safe for use during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding? ... read more »

Neonatal Supplementation Practices in a Hospital Setting

Supplementing breastfeeding neonates with formula is necessary in some situations, but the practice may be used in situations where supplementation is not medically needed. ... read more »

Polyamines in Human Breast Milk for Preterm and Term Infants

Researchers from the University of Murcia, in Spain, recently published a study revealing the differences between the level of polyamines in the breast milk of mothers born to preterm infants and the breast milk of mothers with infants born term. ... read more »

Does Synthetic Oxytocin Affect Prefeeding Cues?

Oxytocin is commonly used during labor to speed up the process. There is no current study information on the possible connection between oxytocin use and prefeeding cues. ... read more »

Baby-Friendly Hospital Accreditation and Breastfeeding Rates

A recent review of breastfeeding rates at one and four months postpartum in mothers who gave birth at BFHI (Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative) hospitals reveals the initiative has little impact on overall breastfeeding rates. ... read more »

Neighborhood Economics and Fetal Weight

Does the neighborhood where you live affect risk factors for very preterm birth? Researchers in France found a correlation between social factors present in certain neighborhoods and increased risk of very preterm birth. ... read more »

Can Consuming Fish Make My Child Smarter?

All you have to do is feed your child more fish and their IQ will go through the roof ' well, not exactly. ... read more »

Breastfeed 6 Months for $320?

The life-long value of breastfeeding to both mother and child is continuously confirmed with medical studies conducted around the world. Even so, many mothers are reluctant to take on the challenge. ... read more »

Most Common Food and Nutrition Myths During Breastfeeding

New moms have the go-ahead to pop the cork off that celebratory champagne once the baby is born. The key to drinking alcohol during breastfeeding is to control portion size and have the correct timing. ... read more »

Clarinex During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Calrinex during pregnancy, breastfeeding and trying to conceive (TTC). Is it safe? ... read more »

Breastfeeding Reduces Risk of Infant Stomach Obstruction

Some babies just seem to be more fussy than others. The case could be more physical disorder than disposition, though, and a recent study suggests bottle-feeding may be the culprit in some cases. ... read more »

Breastfeeding and Tacrolimus

Tacrolimus, an immunosuppressive medication, can be given after organ transplant to fight organ rejection. According to researchers from various institutions in the United Kingdom, contraindication in breastfeeding is not based on clinical research. ... read more »

Feeding Choice, Gender and Infant Growth

A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics International shows a correlation between feeding method and infant growth in male offspring. Information for the study was collected by researchers at Showa University School of Medicine in Tokyo. ... read more »

Digoxin During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

All about Digoxin and pregnancy/breastfeeding. Is it safe to use while pregnant and/or breastfeeding? ... read more »

Bronchodilators During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

All about bronchodilators and pregnancy/breastfeding. Are they safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding? ... read more »

Trentinoin During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

All about Trentinoin and pregnancy/breastfeeding. Is it safe to use while pregnant and/or breastfeeding? ... read more »

Allegra During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Allegra is an over-the-counter allergy medication once available only by prescription. The medication is commonly used as a preventative treatment for seasonal allergies, but may be suggested to some patients for off-label treatment of other medical conditions. ... read more »

Infant Formula May Support Breastfeeding Duration

Breastfeeding is the healthiest option for most infants. Mothers who want to breastfeed are often advised to start breastfeeding from birth in the hospital and to avoid using commercial infant formulas at all costs to prevent confusion. ... read more »

Breastfeeding Exclusively Does Not Reduce Eczema Risk

Women who exclusively breastfeed for the first four months after birth do not decrease an infant's risk of eczema according to researchers who published their report in the British Journal of Dermatology. ... read more »

Multiple Sclerosis Relapse Is Not Affected by Breastfeeding

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease process that varies from one pregnant woman to another. ... read more »

I Chose to Bottle Feed Now Moms Hate Me

It wasn’t until I chose to switch from breastfeeding to bottle feeding that I truly understood just how segregated some of the breastfeeding population is from bottle feeding mothers. ... read more »

Should my breasts be leaking during pregnancy?

The changes that occur in a woman's body during pregnancy are absolutely amazing. Through all three of my pregnancies the changes remained new and exciting until my breasts started leaking. ... read more »

How to Handle Breast Leaks at Work

Breastfeeding is the best way to feed baby, but it doesn't afford many women the option of staying at home the entire first year after birth. When you must return to the workplace you must also prepare for leaking breasts at any and all times. ... read more »