What is ovulation?

Signs and symptoms of ovulation include mittelschmerz, light pelvic pain on one side of the pelvis, spotting, changes in cervical mucus, breast tenderness. Learning about signs and symptoms of ovulation help you predict fertility and find out if and when ovulation happens and when you should have sex to get pregnant. Women trying to get pregnant often become frustrated when they miss their period but have a negative pregnancy test. What most don't realize is that when trying to conceive, the single most important factor is finding out if and when ovulation happens. Ovulation is when the egg is ejected from the ovary. If you miss your period and you know if and when ovulation happened then there are only 2 possibilities. Either you are not pregnant and your period comes 15 or so days later, or you are pregnant and your period does not come 15+ days later.

If you don't know if and when ovulation happened, then you don't know when your period is supposed to come. Women who don't ovulate usually do not get their periods or they have irregular spotting and bleeding. There are several ways to find out if and when you ovulate. Some methods of finding out when you ovulate can be easily done at home, while others require more sophisticated testing. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, a fertility or ovulation calculator and calendar may be helpful. Your "fertility window" consists of the 5-6 fertile days of your menstrual cycle 4-5 days before and the day of ovulation when intercourse is most likely to result in pregnancy. This fertile window starting 5 days before the day of ovulation until the day of ovulation. Your most fertile of these days are the 2 days before plus the day of ovulation.

After the Pill

When can I get pregnant and when should we have sex after the pill? ... read more »

When Does Ovulation Occur After A Positive OPK and BBT?

When is ovulation and BBT rise after positive OPK? Your first OPK indicates a rise in the LH hormone, which is followed soon after by ovulation, which is triggered by that LH rise. ... read more »

Clomiphene - Ovulation

How many women ovulate on Clomiphene? ... read more »

Symptoms of PCOS

What are the typical symptoms of PCOS? ... read more »

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) After hCG Shot

Pregnancy rates are generally higher when insemination is done before rather than after ovulation. Doing IUI after ovulation would be too late as it doesn't get you pregnant. ... read more »

When Can Fetal Heart Beat Be Seen?

When can the fetal heart beat be first seen on ultrasound? ... read more »

TTC after miscarriage

How long after a miscarriage does it take to get pregnant? ... read more »

Stop the Pill or Go on Vacation

Should I stop the pill or go on vacation? ... read more »

Late Period - Negative Pregnancy Test

Late Period: Negative Pregnancy Test. There are two reasons for having a negative pregnancy test and having a late period: You did not ovulate anovulation or you did too early a pregnancy testing. ... read more »

Clomiphene (Clomid)

How does clomiphene (Clomid) work? ... read more »

Ovulation: Symptoms and Signs

There are several signs and symptoms to detect ovulation, and they include a biphasic temperature chart, positive OPK, and mittelschmerz. ... read more »

What Is The Average BBT Basal Body Temperature?

The average range of basal body temperatures is between 97.7-98.2 Fahrenheit, but normal temperatures may be different from one woman to another. ... read more »

Late Ovulation

How late in the cycle is ovulation possible? ... read more »

When to See the Doctor After the Pill

I haven't had my period since I stopped the pill four months ago, should I see a doctor? ... read more »

Can The BBT Temperature Curve Determine Pregnancy?

If you haven't had your period 15+ days after ovulation on the BBT temperature curve, then a pregnancy is likely. ... read more »

Can Changes in Your Cervix Diagnose Pregnancy?

For women who track their cervical position in order to determine fertility, many wonder if there is a correlation between the position of the cervix and early pregnancy symptoms and diagnosis. ... read more »

Ovulation Timing

Does a woman ovulate each month? ... read more »

Length of Bleeding

Does the length of my menses (bleeding) have an effect on my menstrual cycle? ... read more »

Fertility during Menstrual Cycle

For how many days in my cycle can I get pregnant? ... read more »

28-Day Cycle And Ovulation

My cycle is 28 days, when do I ovulate? Is there a way that I can find out the exact day I ovulate? What if my cycles are shorter than 28 days? ... read more »

Breast Tenderness and Pregnancy

Is it normal to have breast tenderness 10 days after ovulation? Breast tenderness is among the typical symptoms of progesterone after ovulation, but it is also part of typical pregnancy symptoms. ... read more »

Clomiphene - When Ovulation and Sex

When do I ovulate after Clomiphene and when should I have sex? ... read more »

TTC After IUD Removal

Can I get pregnant after IUD removal? The IUD acts locally on the uterus and the fallopian tube preventing pregnancy. It does not have an effect on ovulation. ... read more »

Breastfeeding as Contraceptive

Does breastfeeding prevent me from getting pregnant? ... read more »

The Steps of Getting Pregnant with Infertility

At BabyMed we provide fertility ovulation pregnancy conception tips and fertility information to women trying to get pregnant. ... read more »

When Does Implantation Bleeding and Spotting Happen?

Implantation happens on average nine days (6-12 days) after ovulation and fertilization. Some women report having implantation symptoms like implantation bleeding or implantation cramping. ... read more »

Vaginal Spotting

What does vaginal bleeding shortly before menses mean? ... read more »

Why Are My Breasts Sore After Ovulation?

Why are my breasts be sore and tingling after ovulation? There can be several reasons for breast soreness, ranging from an impending menstrual period to a pregnancy. ... read more »

Boost Your Fertility: Get Pregnant Faster

This plan will help you get pregnant faster! ... read more »

What Happens After Ovulation?

Most people know what happens during ovulation, but what happens after ovulation is also very important when trying to get pregnant. ... read more »

Can I Get Pregnant With Only One Ovary?

Can you get pregnant if you only have one ovary? Do you ovulate with one ovary How does conception occur? ... read more »

20 Fertility Myths That May Keep You From Getting Pregnant

Some fertility myths could be keeping you from getting pregnant. ... read more »

Clomid: Everything You Need To Know

The most important thing to know is that Clomid is a medication to induce ovulation, not necessarily pregnancy. Clomid will not get you pregnant alone. Here is all you need to know about Clomid. ... read more »

Breast Tenderness and Menopause

Breast pain and tenderness after ovulation is due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. Breast tenderness during menopause is due to a hormone imbalance. ... read more »

Getting Pregnant: Where to Start

Here's where to start in your pregnancy journey! ... read more »

Good Eggs and Bad Eggs: Ovarian Reserve Testing

Ovarian reserve testing is the most important fertility test. ... read more »

Childhood Cancer Can Increase Pregnancy Complications

Pregnancy in childhood cancer survivors could be riskier than previously thought. Chances of premature labor, early delivery and hemorrhage are higher in certain cancer cases. ... read more »

Get in Shape to Improve Your Fertility

Get into optimal shape and good health now. ... read more »

All About the Birth Control Pill

Birth control pills are now more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. ... read more »

BBT Basal Body Temperature Charting: What is it About?

Fertile couples who have sex frequently during the optimal time can often become pregnant much sooner. Charting your basal body temperature (BBT) may help you conceive sooner. ... read more »

Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK) Calculator: Find Out When You Will Conceive

You've been trying to get pregnant but do you know when is the optimal time to have sex? Before ovulating? During? Use our ovulation calculator to find out how many times to have sex and the optimal days to conceive! ... read more »

Can You Use an OPK as a Pregnancy Test?

OPKs have a high false positive as well as a high false negative rate for being pregnant. If an OPK is positive, you could still NOT be pregnant, and if it's negative you could still be pregnant. ... read more »

The Interactive Pregnancy and Ovulation Wheel

Just turn the inner wheel to either the first day of your last period or point the 40-week arrow to your due date. The dates below will then automatically calculate all your important pregnancy dates. ... read more »

Do Tender Breasts and Hard Nipples Mean I'm Pregnant?

Many pregnancy symptoms can be subtle and caused by monthly hormonal changes. Could tender breasts and hard nipples be a sign that I am pregnant? ... read more »

Progesterone and Pregnancy: What Levels Are Optimal?

Progesterone does a lot before and during pregnancy, and if your levels are low, you may have a problem with ovulation. ... read more »

Questions About Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

When women are trying to conceive, they often have questions regarding their chances of getting pregnant. There are several factors that come into play when it comes to getting pregnant. ... read more »

Top Causes of Infertility

There are three major causes of infertility and they may surprise you! ... read more »

Infertility Q & A

Infertility Questions and Answers for your most important answers about difficulty getting pregnant. ... read more »

Your Menstrual Cycle and Periods (Menstruation): A Window into Your Health

The timing of the menstrual cycle and ovulation is one of the most important things a woman should understand about her body since it is the determining factor in getting pregnant. ... read more »

Is A Normal Menstrual Cycle Always 28 Days Long?

Menstrual cycles can vary from one woman to another as well as for each woman, and ovulation does not always happen on the exact same day, even in women with regular cycles. ... read more »
